Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Results are in

Ok so all this ignoring my blog has gone to good use. I had my first exams this past week, and I got the rest of my grades today.
Here they are:
PE: 91%
Art History: 100% !!!!!!!
Western Civ: 94%
and Finally
(drum roll please)
a 93% in may not sound great, but I have the highest grade in my class!!
I am so excited.
Oh and these arent all my classes I have Design I and English 111 too.
I am accomplishing my goals! They are maintain all A's and attend all classes. I am finaly proud of my self for something.


qualcosa di bello said...

way to go, sunflower! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Frances D said...

Whoot Whoot AHooooooGa!